Christian Gamers United has 10+ gaming communities available to choose from with various sizes, games, and personalities. Join a group that is as unique as you!
We also provide the opportunity for new communities to rise, offering new game possibilities and ways to connect!
Allied for Christ
As in all areas of life we are called to glorify God. At Allied for Christ, we strive to be salt and light in the arena of online gaming. We hope to be a comfortable and safe family environment that is unashamedly Christian in our foundation, but because we are Jesus Freaks we also have open doors to those that are still in the wilderness. Our Discord server and in game clans are open to anyone that is willing to accept and agree to follow our rules and feels like our group would be a good place to call home!
Core Games
Destiny 2, WoW, Diablo IV
PlayStation, Xbox, PC
At the Cross
At our core, we are a community of Christian gamers, dedicated to the primary mission of bringing glory to God through our gaming experiences. Our commitment is unwavering in keeping gaming environments pure, wholesome, and enjoyable. We actively cultivate an atmosphere of good fellowship, characterized by maturity, and strive to set a positive example for all those who engage in gameplay alongside us.
Core Games
Division 2, Fortnite, Minecraft and other multiplayers
PlayStation, Xbox, PC
Downgrade Rebellion
At DØWNGRADE REBELLIØN, we love Destiny and want to enjoy it in the BEST way possible, which means:
- lots of fun and laughs
- in an atmosphere that’s family-friendly
- that encourages and edifies us in our faith.
Core Games
Destiny 2
PlayStation, Xbox, PC
For the King
For The King is a Destiny 2 focused community designed for mature, clean and family-friendly interaction.
Core Games
Destiny 2
Most members are PC with some PlayStation & Xbox
Sacred Truth
Our goal is to build a community that
- Nurtures Christian fellowship and bonding
- Creates a platform for youth to hear about the gospel
- Gives anyone who doesn’t believe but is curious a place to learn about God
Core Games
Destiny 2
PlayStation, Xbox, PC
The Guardians Cross
Here at The Guardians Cross, we strive to create a fun, encouraging, and family-friendly gaming environment that is Christ-centered and edifying for all.
Core Games
Destiny 2 is the most common, although we play a little of just about everything overall
Primarily PlayStation
with some of us on PC as well
Tower of Refuge
Our mission is to honor Christ in all we do. Whether it is our daily, real life grind or our Destiny grind, we strive to follow Christ and to lift up all our Christian brothers and sisters along the way.
Core Games
Destiny 2
PlayStation, Xbox, PC
Our mission is to be a Christian gaming family. In everything we do, We want to represent the love of Jesus. We desire to maintain close relationships, build each other up, pray for one another, and game together. We are Unified!
Core Games
Destiny 2, Warframe, Remnant 2, and Apex Legends
PlayStation, Xbox, PC
Warriors 4 God
Our mission is to be Salt and the Light as children of God. We aim to have a personal relationship with Him in ALL we do as a gaming Church. We go through life together through the ups and down while providing respect to everyone who joins our community.
Core Games
Destiny 2, Multiple other games
PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Switch, Mobile
Insert Your Community Here
Don’t see a community that matches you? You have the opportunity to create one!
Before creating a new community, consider whether or not you can expand on an existing group.
- Minimum of 5 people for your new group
- Your new community needs to reflect Christian values
If you would like to setup a new community, join our Discord server and let us know!